在过年的这几天, 为了从焦虑的工作中换一个心情, 我给我的 wechat-dump 项目添加了几个当年没做出来的功能, 解决了一些遗留问题. 意外的发现这个项目始于 2014 年末, 到今天已经超过十年了. 有多少人会有给自己十年前的代码补充新 feature 的经历呢? 突然有了一些感触想要写下来.
在过年的这几天, 为了从焦虑的工作中换一个心情, 我给我的 wechat-dump 项目添加了几个当年没做出来的功能, 解决了一些遗留问题. 意外的发现这个项目始于 2014 年末, 到今天已经超过十年了. 有多少人会有给自己十年前的代码补充新 feature 的经历呢? 突然有了一些感触想要写下来.
为什么应该使用 Stacked Diffs / Stacked PRs
Meta 与 Google 内部的代码管理工具都支持一种被称作 "stacked diffs / stacked PRs" 的 workflow. 然而, 基于 git 的主流平台 (github, gitlab) 都不支持这种 workflow. 许多离开 Meta 后不得不使用 github 的朋友表示, stacked diffs 对于工程师是一个 "ultimate productivity tool", 我也深有同感. 这篇文章介绍一下什么是 stacked diffs workflow, 以及为什么它能够极大的提升团队开发效率.
Registration Does Not Scale Well
People have many different opinions about config systems. Having worked with various styles of configs, I also want to write about what a great config subsystem in a large-scale (in terms of system complexity, number of users, etc.) system should look like.
The design space is complex, so in this article I'll start with a smaller topic: registration in config systems. I'll show why this common pattern, though works fine for small-scale projects, does not scale well in the long term. I'll also discuss an alternative.
Safe Static Initialization, No Destruction
Since I joined Google Brain, I brought PyTorch to Google's internal infra and owned its maintenance. Being a "tech island", it's well known that almost everything in Google works differently from the outside world, and that creates many challenges when building a massive library like PyTorch.
Among those challenges, there are a few tricky bugs related to static initialization order fiasco (SIOF) and their destructions. This time I was forced to learn a lot more details than I'd like to know about these topics, so it's good to write them down before I forget.
Some Useful Terminal Escape Sequences
最近学习到了一些 Terminal Escape Sequences, 其中尤其对 OSC52 相见恨晚. 这里稍微记录一下各种 Sequences.
Terminal Escape Sequences 是终端应用向 stdout 打出的一些具有特殊含义的字符串. 终端看到这些串之后不会显示它们, 而是执行这些串所对应的终端高级功能.
Demystify RAM Usage in Multi-Process Data Loaders
A typical PyTorch training program on 8 GPUs with 4 dataloader
workers per GPU would create at least
Not Every Model Has a Separate "Loss Function"
"Loss function" is one of the most basic concepts today in deep learning. Despite that, it is actually not necessarily a good programming abstraction when designing general-purpose systems. A system should not assume that a model always comes together with a "loss function".
How to Maintain Clean Core APIs for Research
Building a library for research and experiments is quite different from building other types of software. A key challenge is that, in research, abstractions and APIs are rarely set in stone: users may want to propose a slight variant or modification to literally ANYWHERE in the whole program, just because they have a new idea.
Automatically Flatten & Unflatten Nested Containers
This post is about a small functionality that is found useful in TensorFlow / JAX / PyTorch.
Low-level components of these systems often use a plain list of values/tensors
as inputs & outputs.
However, end-users that develop models often want to work with more
complicated data structures:
Dict[str, Any]
, List[Any]
, custom classes, and their nested combinations.
Therefore, we need bidirectional conversion between nested structures and a plain list of tensors.
I found that different libraries invent similar approaches to solve this problem, and it's interesting to list them here.
TorchScript: Tracing vs. Scripting
PyTorch provides two methods to turn an nn.Module
into a
graph represented in TorchScript format: tracing and scripting.
This article will:
should be preferred over torch.jit.script
for deployment of non-trivial models.